منظمة العفو الدولية تتهم الأردن بتعذيب معتقلين لصالح الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. وبحسب التقرير فإن الأردن " يمارس التعذيب المنظم" -إنجليزي:
"Jordan maintains a military security agency that detains, interrogates and tortures political and security suspects, both Jordanians and other nationals transferred to the country in apparent coordination with the USA, Amnesty International said today in a major new report."
وأن :ه
" المخابرات الأردنية التي تتصل مباشرة برئيس الوزراء هي المسؤول الرئيسي عن اسائة معاملة المعتقلين السياسيين في الأردن. ويأتيها تمويل سري من الحكومة الأميريكية"ه
هذه الترجمة مني، وهاي بالإنجليزي للعنده مشكلة بالعربي، عدم المؤاخذة يعني: ه
"The General Intelligence Department (GID) -- a military security agency directly linked to the Jordanian prime minister -- is the primary instrument of abuse of political detainees and for obtaining forced "confessions". According to former senior US intelligence officials, the GID receives secret funding from the US
أنصح بادئ ذي بدئ بقراءة التقرير، وبلا ما حدا يعيدلي اللي بقوله اوقاله الناطق الرسمي للحكومة، شغلة مبينة وما بدها حدا يرسم على حدا. ه
هناك ١٦ تعليقًا:
Did you ever had any doubts why we were targeted for the hotel terror attacks in Amman? you and I will have to fend for ourselvs when we walk the streets of Amman. the big wigs have armored vihecles and armed personnel protecting them. so why should they give a damn what happens to you and me. the irony is that the authorities keep accusing the opposition of working for foreign interests, yet here are the authorities endangering our security and stabilty by doing the dirty work of the americans in Jordan. remember when Bush said we will take the war on terror to the enemy? well, just so you know who is considered an enemy. scores of jordanians were butchered and maimed in the amman terror attack and all the authority maneged to do is to mobilize its emplyees for a show of support. how sad. but that's the price of not having a say in decisions that can get you killed and make someone else rich.
Did you ever have any doubts why we were targeted for the hotel terror attacks in Amman? That's the price we jordanians had to pay for doing america and israel's dirty work. you and I will have to fend for ourselvs when we walk the streets of Amman. the big wigs have armored vihecles and armed personnel protecting them. so why should they give a damn what happens to you and me. the irony is that the authorities keep accusing the opposition of working for foreign interests, yet here are the authorities endangering our security and stabilty by doing the dirty work of a foreign interest. remember when Bush said we will take the war on terror to the enemy? well, just so you know who is considered an enemy. scores of jordanians were butchered and maimed in the amman terror attack and all the authority maneged to do is to mobilize its emplyees for a show of support demonstration. how sad. but that's the price of not having a say in decisions that can get you killed and make someone else rich and more powerful.
the GID is refered to by all Western intelligence agencies as your "favourite cousin", for obvious reasons
to the anony:
ohh realy how smart you are!
what you said does not change the facts,
and the facts is : the Zarqawi and the terrorists did amman hotel bombs and killed the jordanians innocent people , and that there is in jordan alot of extremists as Mr abu Fares and You who try to defend about them and try to find reasons and excuses for what they did!
am dealing with facts, not doubts, and any one who try to kill any jordanian or attack jordan then he must be all jordanians enemy.
and i wonder if your father or mother died on amman hotels attacks , would u still try to find excuses for the terrorists?
am not trying to defend about jordanian Gov , because i dont agree with alot of things with the gov, but still the jordanian Gov is not my enemy and they are still jordanians, my enemy is the terrorists.
حسنا يا حسن، بهمني اعرف شو رأيك في التقرير؟ ما هو موقفك من موضوع التعذيب في الأردن؟ ما هو رأيك من قيامنا في التعذيب لحساب الأميريكان؟ هل تعتقد أن تورطنا مع الأميريكان على هذا المستوى يخدم مواطنينا وسلامتهم وامنهم؟
او شو تعليقك بشكل عام لآنه مهم إنه بلدنا ما تكون تقاطع طرق للتعذيب، تعذيب الأردنيين وغير الأردنيين.. موضوع برأيي خطير ومهم ان يكون نقاش شعبي وعام حوله في الأردن بإتجاه تحريمه وتجريم القائمين عليه
"Jordan is at the top of our list of foreign partners ... We have similar agendas, and they are willing to help any way they can [and] the GID has a wider reach [in the Middle East] than the [Israeli intelligence department] Mossad."
"[w]e pick up a suspect or we arrange for one of our partner countries to do it. Then the suspect is placed on civilian transport to a third country where, let’s make no bones about it, they use torture."(38) He went on to say, "[i]f you send a prisoner to Jordan you get a better interrogation."(39) Similarly, one victim of unlawful detention and transfer stated that while held in Pakistan he was interrogated by US officials who told him: "You can co-operate with us the easy way, or the hard way. If you don’t talk to us, you’re going to Jordan. We can’t do what we want here, the Pakistanis can’t do exactly what we want them to do. The Arabs will deal with you."
"According to media interviews with former senior US intelligence officials, US-Jordanian security and intelligence cooperation is so close that the CIA has had technical personnel "virtually embedded" at the headquarters of the GID, which such former officials have alleged receives secret funding from the US government."
"al-Jafr prison...The prison is several kilometres south-east of the al-Jafr King Faisal Air Base, where US military forces mobilised in the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq"
For those who now want to say "I will defend Jordan and those are terrorists" bla bla, remember that YOU bred those terrorists. No one is a terrorist by birth, no one wants to die senselessly. But you are the ones who drove those people to revert to the only means the weak has. And to be honest, I understand why those people use violence, afterall, what goes round comes around. Doesn' it?
...and read this quote to understand what it means by YOU bred the terrorists:
"Former CIA Director R. James Woolsey called Jordan "a natural target for al-Qaida" and Iraqi insurgents"
So next time you speak of torture, remember your masters who are hiding behind Hummvees and in palaces and concrete walls, but who left you, the people, out on your own to suffer the reprecursions of their actions. Your leaders are the cowards, not Al-Qaeda
شكرا بعرض الإستشهادات وسأقوم بعرض اجزاء من التقرير تباعا في الأيام القادمة. كذلك اتمنى على من له تجربة شخصية او تعرض للتعذيب ان يقوم بعرضها اوارسالها للمدونة وسنقوم بعرضها
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i don't beleve this and things like this r roumer tofrom peolple that had jordan and want to destroy the beuty of jordan
coz jordan s country that buld it self and became one of the best of arab world
so,,, all these r lie and let god protect jordan and it's leadership
i don't beleve this and things like this r roumer tofrom peolple that had jordan and want to destroy the beuty of jordan
coz jordan s country that buld it self and became one of the best of arab world
so,,, all these r lie and let god protect jordan and it's leadership
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